Cheerful, dreamer, perfectionist and responsible. I like to think that’s how other people see me, because that’s what I feel like and that’s what I want to share. I like to put myself in others’ shoes, since I think that every person, couple, family or enterprise is different and unique and that they have their own needs. That is what makes me able to give a very personal point of view, trying to capture each and everybody’s essence in my pictures.
The excitement in small things, improvement, enthusiasm, courage, commitment, dedication, and sensitivity. These are some qualities that I most value on people, and that is what I like to capture. I’m moved by people’s joy, and the pleasure my work gives them. I really appreciate our clients’ trust in us, and that is what makes me want to go even further, for there is no end to learning.
"We are a couple. We live and work together. Swingyourpics is the name we chose to start our life project. “Swing” is because we first knew each other dancing, and it’s our own soundtrack. “Yourpics” is because by joining together we wanted to deliver happiness throughout our pictures. We come from a big city, but six years ago we moved to the mountains with our son Jan, and our dogs Maggie and Tor and we think we completely fit in here. :-) While we think that we’re really lucky, we also have a very big responsibility, since our work is surrounded by happiness, effort, love, beautiful families, and amazing places, and because we experience unique and unrepeatable moments in many people’s life. We appreciate this luck by giving our best every little moment.
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